Virtual Workshop: 5 Life-Changing Ways to Become a Better Team Player


WHAT:      "5 Life-Changing Ways to Become a Better Team Player"
                   Individuals will completely redefine teamwork and collaboration
WHEN:      Two 90-minute facilitated sessions (July 20 and July 22, 2020, 10-11:30 am ET)
COST:        Only $145 / per person.
WHERE:     Via Zoom, virtual office

Become a Better Team Member!

Do your team meetings go into overtime because of politics and confusion? Do you ever feel discouraged because there isn't a forum where you can voice your opinions (when you know those ideas would help the team!)?
By learning how to be your best and most effective as a team member, you can transform any team from the inside. Best of all, you won't have to wait to get the entire team together for everyone to benefit!
Now there is a program designed specifically to get teams working together successfully by starting with the individual. Once any team member participates in this course (with or without your teammates), the takeaways can be dispersed throughout your organization across teams.

A productive, high-functioning team:Five Behaviors Personal Development

  • Feels safe to ask for help and express their opinions
  • Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion, and destructive conflict
  • Is committed to the end goal
  • Holds one another accountable
  • Has more fun—and delivers results!

This is a program that will get your team performing well because individuals will better understand, internalize, and apply the principles based on the The Five Behaviors model.

This Personal Development material was designed specifically to work for individuals; participants do not all need to be part of the same team. Rather, participants can carry the takeaways of this program from one team to the next, enabling a culture of teamwork. Learners at all levels of an organization can benefit from this program and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together.

This workshop is suited to anyone wanting to learn how they can contribute to the success of any team they become a part of.

Are You Ready to Rewrite the Way Your Team Operates?

Here's what you can expect:

  • Two 90-minute facilitated sessions (July 20 and July 22, 10:00 to 11:30 am ET) presented via Zoom
  • An individualized personal development report, rich with information and personalized to your individual needs —an invaluable resource long after the workshop ends.
  • Access to a learning community designed to support your success and growth
  • Actionable steps that will advance the way your team performs.

Don't miss this! We are limiting seats to ensure a personal experience, while making it affordable at $145/person.

Register now to join us! We can't wait to learn with you.

IMPORTANT INFO: Seats are limited to just 25 participants. We ask that you attend the live sessions so we all get the full experience together. NOTE: There will not be a recording as we want everyone to feel comfortable with the confidentiality of the conversation. All participants will complete a short (15-minute) assessment at least two days prior to the workshop. Reports will be a key part of your experience; this is the only pre-work needed.