About #GracefulGiving: Past and Future
What is the #GracefulGiving party?
In October of 2016, I hosted a very special party to celebrate Grace's 12th birthday. This party was more than just your ordinary birthday gathering. This inagural #GracefulGiving event offered the opportunity to show appreciation to the non-profit organizations that work tirelessly to help those in need move through a tough spot and reach their full potential.
During the month-long event, different donors made contributions to worthy non-profits, including several from the Monadnock region, such as the Monadnock Humane Society, Monadnock Restorative Community, and Monadnock Area Transitional Shelter (MATS). The non-profit that received the largest number of donations was The River Center in Peterborough. 10 generous donors helped the organization win a team-building workshop entitled Graceful Leadership: Building Respectful Relationships. The session is valued at $1500.
Several individuals who contributed during the Graceful Giving Party also won prizes. 10 received a one-year membership to the online Learning Resource Center, which provides on-demand management and leadership guidance. Another individual won a ProfileXT assessment used for professional development, and a final winner received a Pathway Planner assessment for career planning with a personalized review by professional coach Nancy Bishop.
Check out this short video to get the backstory on the party.
You can help decide the future of #GracefulGiving
Calling all non-profits to weigh in with your thoughts
We'd like to make this party fun and beneficial to all. Robin is collecting ideas through the first part of 2017. Tell us what you think! In addition to the questions posed below, Grace and I welcome any comments and thoughts you have.
2) What prize would motivate you (as the non-profit) to get involved.
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