A #GracefulGiving Birthday Party!
What is the #GracefulGiving party?
Grace is turning 12 in October and that might seem a bit ordinary. But Grace is not your ordinary dog. Just like you are not an ordinary person. Her story helps us see that all of us have potential to be extraordinary with a little help from those who love and support us. That’s why I’m having a Graceful Giving Birthday Party! And you’re invited.
This party celebrates the 12th birthday of Grace, a dog who shows us all the potential to move through challenges and find happiness with a little help from those who care. The fearful disposition that Grace learned from her rough start on the streets of Puerto Rico will always be a part of who she is. But she’s so much more than just a scared dog. Now she loves to run in the woods and play with her sticks, just like any other typical dog.
Now, as Grace turns 12 years old, we’re having a party to recognize all she’s been through, but mostly all that she is now, and to acknowledge the support she and I got along the way. Whether human or animal, all of us benefit from the support of others. The non-profit organizations in our communities do such amazing work and Grace and I wanted to find a way to say thanks. So you’re invited to the Graceful Giving Birthday Party!
Grace doesn’t want any gifts; she’s way too shy for that. Instead, her preference is to help others have a good life. During the month of October, you can join in the fun when you donate any amount to your favorite non-profit organization.
Not sure who to give you? There are so many excellent choices and the more the merrier. But if it's too doggone confusing to choose, feel free to donate to one of my favorites:
There will be lots of prizes and we hope you win one but when you join in this celebration, you are already a big winner because you’ll be helping someone else unleash their full potential. And that is what this is all about. We’re celebrating all the things we go through in life that make us come out on the other side – being able to reach our potential and recognizing that there are lots of support systems available to help us be our best.
I love Grace so much, just like you love someone in your life that is special to you. For Grace, and for everyone you care about that needs a helping hand, give a little or a lot to help the important work done by the non-profits in our communities. Come to our party and show your Graceful Leadership now!
Sniff out the details here
Ready to join the party? Here’s how!
It’s easy to be an official party-goer.
Grand prize awarded to non-profit organization:
When your non-profit receives the most comments/donations, you'll win a half-day team-building workshop entitled "Graceful Leadership: Building Respectful Relationships” for up to six (6) people. Includes ‘Everything DiSC Workplace Profile’ assessments with facilitation by Robin Eichert, PeopleSense Consulting. Value $1500.
The winner is identified as the non-profit organization that generates the highest number of comments/donations on the Facebook pinned post.
Prizes awarded to individuals:
There will be prizes awarded to twelve (12) individuals that come to Grace's birthday party! These will be chosen with an automated random selection method.
- Ten individuals will win (one each) a one-year membership to the PeopleSense Consulting Learning Resource Center, Nurture Level. Value $528. Perfect for new, seasoned, or aspiring managers who want to hone their skills.
- One ProfileXT assessment, used for professional development and workplace dynamics purposes, including hiring and job-fit. Value $295.
- One Pathway Planner assessment for career planning with review by Nancy Bishop. Value $250.
Note: If the winners of individual prizes are unable to use the prize for themselves, they can transfer the prize to another individual or to the non-profit of their choice.
Sniff out more here! This is where you’ll unearth some interesting bones (or party rules).
- The party runs from October 1, 2016 through 12 midnight Eastern Time, October 31, 2016. All entry forms must be submitted during this time to be eligible for the prizes.
- One donation per individual will be counted towards the prizes for the non-profit organization.
- One individual can make a donation to multiple organizations to be counted towards each non-profit.
- There is no minimum donation amount to qualify.
- Donations made to the non-profit are on the honor system; PeopleSense Consulting will not require any validation or reporting from the non-profit.
- When making your donation to the non-profit, it’s a good idea to note “Graceful Giving” so the non-profit knows what prompted you to donate!
- The 501c3 can be located outside of New Hampshire. Grace came from Puerto Rico, after all.
- Anyone who participates acknowledges that this promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Facebook.
- Grand prize does not include additional workshop expenses, such as room rental, food, and/or travel.