October is Graceful Giving!
At PeopleSense, we believe in a couple guiding principles: fostering healthy relationships and giving back.
They’re baked into the work we do all year long, but October gives us a chance to highlight these important priorities. In October of each year, I celebrate the birthday of my adopted dog Grace who was a key source of inspiration for me in my work.
Graceful Giving is a month-long celebration culminating in the selection of a non-profit that will receive a virtual, multi-session workshop devoted to developing a high performing team, especially in a new virtual environment.
But it's not just one organization that wins! Any non-profit that completes an application for the 2020 Graceful Giving program will receive a training video to benefit your team!
The description of the full program is outlined below, followed by details of the application process.
How will you benefit?
The winning non-profit will engage in a workshop based on the Five Behaviors Model, which helps team members learn to work together more efficiently and cohesively. We also intend to incorporate content to specifically help teams communicate effectively in a virtual environment. A productive, high-functioning team:
- Makes better, faster decisions
- Taps into the skills and opinions of all members
- Avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion, and destructive conflict
- Avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in
- Creates a competitive advantage
- Is more fun to be a part of!
Who is this workshop designed for?
The program is designed exclusively for intact teams and work groups. Often these are executive leadership teams or teams that are working towards a common goal.
Description of Graceful Leadership Virtual Team Training
Workshop description
This multi-session virtual workshop is called “Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.” Based on the work of Patrick Lencioni’s international best-seller The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® powered by Everything DiSC® helps teams apply The Five Behaviors™ model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results to drive team effectiveness and productivity.
The content will be customized to meet the needs of your team, delivered over six sessions lasting approximately 90 minutes each. This workshop is typically valued at $1850 but will be gifted to one deserving non-profit as a thank you for their inspiring work.

What does the program cover?
The program helps teams understand their own effectiveness on each of the five behaviors: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.
The content will focus on improvements (as needed) for these behaviors and will also help the team find new ways to connect in a virtual world. We'll explore the challenges poised by remote team work and outline possible solutions to overcome a sense of being disconnected.
Graceful Giving Gives Back: Join Us In Creating Healthy Workplace Relationships
The Story Behind Graceful Giving
It's been one year without Grace now, a heart-breaking loss, but she remains a strong force in how I move through the world. She was an unlikely teacher for organizational dynamics, for sure! But Grace served as an instrumental teacher when it comes to building healthy relationships both personally and professionally.
She heightened my awareness and taught me how to have the kinds of interactions and outcomes that are grounded in respect and trust. I suspect many of you have had those special animal teachers in your life, too. Graceful Giving is my way to honor Grace's contributions and to pay it forward in helping others. Please join us and let's create healthy workplace relationships together!
How to Apply
We want to make this simple. (We know you're busy!)
To apply for this game-changing workshop, we want to learn a bit about your non-profit! (Note: To be eligible to participate, your organization must be a 501(c)3.)
As you sit down to write, please make sure you have the time and space to thoughtfully answer each question. Your insights will help us understand why the Graceful Leadership Virtual Team Training would be a great fit. Click on the button below to complete the form. Or if you prefer, you can email us a Word doc with your responses to [email protected] if easier.
We SO appreciate your commitment to developing your team and strengthening your organization. Remember --- EVERY organization that applies will receive a valuable training video to benefit your team. Here's to your Graceful Leadership!
If you prefer to send a Word file, tell us anything that you think will help, but be sure to include all the following information to be considered:
- Name of Non-Profit
- Your name and full contact information
- Your non-profit’s mission (and vision if applicable)
- Compelling reason why your non-profit is interested in this workshop
- Anything about your team that highlights your existing commitment to healthy relationships
- Why now? What is important about having this training for your team at this current time?
- Permission to use your non-profit's name in PeopleSense Consulting's materials.
Hurry -- Applications due by midnight, October 31, 2020
Everyone wins!
Any non-profit that completes an application for the 2020 Graceful Giving program will receive a training video that will benefit your team!
When you apply, we'll give you access to a 45-minute training video that provides a detailed view of the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team program and guides your team through a facilitated activity to help build trust. This foundational behavior -- trust -- is critical for any team that wants to perform at a high level.
The recipient of the full program, along with applicants, will be notified in early November with our decision. There may be an interim step of a conversation, if needed for clarifications or discussion, prior to final selection.
The Small (and Important) Details
Graceful Giving's offering includes six (6) participants. Attendance by everyone is required for all six virtual sessions. If your team has more than six members, we'll work out a nominal fee to cover product costs.
The six virtual sessions must be held sometime between November 2020 and March 2021.