The Truth about Why Teaming Up Isn’t Always Natural or Easy

Teaming Up with The Five Behaviors

Want to know what makes companies 5 times as likely to be high performing? Collaboration. According to studies, collaborative work is a core trait of successful, modern workplaces. It’s essential for the best outcomes because when we pool our ideas, challenges, and solutions with others, we enrich the end result. Collaborative work environments have also…

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Gratitude – Not Just for Thanksgiving

PeopleSense Consulting Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time when we naturally give thanks. Along with some of the more obvious things, such as abundant food, gatherings with family and friends, and special traditions, this holiday sets the table for deeper appreciation. It drives us to reflect, identify, and acknowledge many aspects of our lives that we are grateful for.…

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Finding the Good in Conflict

Finding the Good in Conflict

You don’t have to look very far these days to witness conflict. Topics in the news and in our local communities are evidence of many divisive concerns. Opinions range from one extreme to the other. The layers of tension have been building steadily, especially since COVID drastically changed so many of our normal routines. It’s…

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Engagement in Turbulent Times: On-Demand Video

Employee engagement in turbulent times

Watch this on-demand video for ideas and support No one is exempt from having to adapt to new workplace environments. If you’re managing others during this challenging time, you will definitely benefit this on-demand video. As you watch, discover insights and practical tips to foster engagement in turbulent times. Employee disengagement can be damaging …

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