Posts Tagged ‘management development’
How a tiny idea from a small dog evolved to have big impacts
It’s hard to believe that our annual Graceful Giving celebration has been happening for nearly ten years. While some things about this pro bono leadership development opportunity have changed, many important aspects have remained constant. It all started as a quirky birthday celebration for Grace, founder Robin Eichert’s adopted dog. Since Grace was rescued by…
Read MoreWhen dealing with messy employee issues, don’t let time stand still
When you are in the throes of a messy employee issue, it can consume every moment. Even when you aren’t actively dealing with it, you are thinking about it. You just want it to end, but it feels like it will last forever. Time stands still, frozen in place, you’re sinking in quicksand with no…
Read MoreGet off your pedestal! Are you open to receiving feedback?
Most managers say that are open to feedback. And sometimes that’s true. But you know as well as I do, managers are often negligent in soliciting feedback, or they do things that indicate they aren’t open to it even if they say they are. Even managers with honorable intentions can mess this up. I believe managers understand…
Read MoreBetter to give than receive? Not when it comes to feedback in the workplace.
Providing feedback is one of those ‘must-do’ activities for effective leaders. Yet we don’t talk about receiving feedback very often, and I believe that is just as important. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been witness to a number of constructive — and unconstructive — exchanges of feedback. Providing feedback is critical, but how it…
Read MoreHealthy workplaces can happen by doing small things
Managers set the tone for healthy environments Does it seem ludicrous that there could be such a thing as the nation’s healthiest community? Or that you could live in it? On one hand, it does seem impossible. But on the other hand, why not? What’s stopping it from happening? If everyone had a commitment to taking…
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