Calm or chaos in your office?

Managers create the pace Some managers (and employees) pride themselves on the fact that they are always over-extended. That they have a million things on their plate. That there is no time to do what they need to do. It’s true that we are often asked to do more with less, creating that chaotic…

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6 Steps to Help Employees Keep Pace with their Work

Ever feel like you need to give the guy at the next desk a push to take action? The pace in which we work creates one of the most important impressions to our co-workers about our abilities — and sometimes unfairly. Employees who are always ‘on-the-go’ often seem the most productive; in comparison, those that…

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The value of being lazy

I often hear a manager complain about an employee being lazy. And of course, we all know that being lazy is really not a desirable trait in the workforce; it certainly won’t get you an outstanding performance review nor anything that you’d tout on your resume. But there are times when I’d say you can…

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