The Truth about Why Teaming Up Isn’t Always Natural or Easy

Teaming Up with The Five Behaviors

Want to know what makes companies 5 times as likely to be high performing? Collaboration. According to studies, collaborative work is a core trait of successful, modern workplaces. It’s essential for the best outcomes because when we pool our ideas, challenges, and solutions with others, we enrich the end result. Collaborative work environments have also…

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Change in 2023 May Be Easier than You Think

change in the new year

During a typical week my dog Zuzu and I go on morning walks, as has become our routine over the last two years since she came to live with us. Frankly, these walks often end up being as frustrating as they are enjoyable — both for her and me. I’ve always loved walking with a…

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Looking for a team building exercise? Volunteer in your community!

Any significant project in today’s workplace requires the cooperation of others. Even more than cooperation, successful outcomes only truly happen when a group of people decide to work alongside each other through thick and thin to accomplish their goal. They need to define roles, establish responsibilities, wade through obstacles and persevere through conflict, communicate clearly, and…

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