
Eichert will be presenter at FREE workshop on assertiveness

Robin Eichert will be the presenter for a FREE workshop entitled “How to be effectively assertive in your job search.” The event is hosted at The River Center, in Peterborough, NH, on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. There will be interactive exercises, role playing, and small group work to cover situations such as the following:

  • How to ‘sell’ yourself without being overbearing or under-represent your talents
  • Appropriate follow-up after submitting a resume
  • Communication following an interview

All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. To register, please call 603-924-6800 or email Donna Brand at [email protected]. The River Center is located at 46 Concord Street, Peterborough, NH. You can find more about the many community programs they offer at www.rivercenter.us.

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