January is ending but 2016 has a long way to go for me to produce
January is coming to an end, which means it’s getting a bit late for me to announce my new year’s resolution. I bet that folks who have declared their goals are either well on their way or have already given up. I’m in between. It’s been a back burner activity so far, but I do believe it’s an important exercise. Spending time reflecting on last year and deciding on priorities for 2016 has value. One year I did send my Christmas cards out in April; there are some things that can still be done beyond a traditional schedule and have the same end result.
Putting my goals in writing (however simple they may be) was nudged along last week when I attended the Profiles International conference in Austin, Texas. It’s always a time that forces me to think about the year ahead. For the past 15 years, I’ve benefited from the conference material and networking opportunity. It gives me the chance to learn and share with several hundred other Profiles partners, allowing me to do better work with each of you. My affiliation with Profiles started in 2001, and along the way, they have always delivered exceptional products and given me the best of service. I will forever have a special place in my heart for them, but like everything in life, things change.
In late 2014, Profiles was acquired by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. If you look at your bookcase, you’ll find them there. Starting as a book publisher in New York, they have produced more than a typical share of successes, including the original Moby Dick, more recently the “Dummies” series, and Patrick Lencioni’s popular book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable.” The list is exhaustive and impressive.
The stature of the Wiley organization gave me every reason to believe the transition would offer many benefits, but you know how it is: change can be hard and you never really know how it’s going to shake out. But guess what? I have never been more excited for the future of what lies ahead — for me and for you. Because my experience with Profiles had been so good, it’s hard to imagine that things could get better. Yet, that’s exactly what is happening.
Wiley’s rich history (209 years and counting!) now boasts three main publishing units: scientific research, higher education curriculum, and workplace learning solutions (where Profiles fits in). There is One Wiley Mission: “We are a learning business that helps people and organizations to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.” Simple. Meaningful. Powerful.
It was clear from the work presented by the Wiley team at the Conference that they walk their talk. The Wiley culture is built on the values of partnership, performance, and people; it oozed out of everything they said and did. The leadership — from the tippie top of the corporate entity to the team leading the transition — was authentic, competent, and fun.
Where does this lead me and my goals? In one word, I’m ready to #produce. Building on last year’s #oneword ‘create’ that resulted in my Learning Resource Library, now I’m driven to produce more content that will help you as managers reach your goals. More videos, more resources, more ways to help you hire right and lead well. In tandem with Wiley, I see unlimited potential to offer tools and resources of extraordinary value.
2016 is the year for me to produce. I’m excited, full of ideas. But I want to hear from you, too. What will help you be a better manager and employee? Let me know; it will help me craft the best resources to produce. To balance it out, I’m thankful that I can rely on Grace to make sure I carve out plenty of time to have fun, too. She still wants her walks in the woods. So do I.
I hope you will leave a comment here with your thoughts on 2016. There are eleven months left and it’s not too late to plan for your best year yet. Let me know how I can help!
Produce is a great idea for the year. Last year my word was Encourage. Just like you a bit behind and need to find my word or idea for the year. Thanks for the “encouragement” for me to realize it’s not too late.
Cheryl, what a great word ‘encourage’ was for last year. I hope you come back and let us know what you decide for 2016, definitely not too late! Good luck!