Sign up here! “What type of leader are you?” workshop on Sept 27, 2012
This is your personal invitation to join like-minded professionals who are interested to learn more about their own leadership style.
“This was a fantastic day! The intimate class size was perfect and allowed us the opportunity to relate real life situations to behaviors by other managers and myself. There were several from our company who attended and we all felt it was time well spent.”
— Jennifer Ricardi, HR Manager, Teleflex Medical

We’ll be meeting in the beautiful historic property in Peterborough, NH. Come join us at Peteridge on the Pond.
You’ll be amazed at what you learn in a short amount of time. Simply raising your own awareness of your unique and natural style helps you become more effective in how you approach others, who likely have styles that are different from your own.
You don’t need to change your leadership style to be more effective. You just have to know what it is and how to adjust to others at the right time. Learn how at this fun and informative workshop!
- Do you really know what your strengths are?
- Do you know how others perceive you?
- Are you working well with others in your organization?
- Are your employees working to their full potential?
- Do you know what your role is in ensuring their success?
- Is your workforce engaged?
You will get the answers to these questions and learn much more. If you want to be a more effective leader, take control now and sign up for a morning of self-exploration and discovery that will positively impact your leadership effectiveness.
This workshop is being held in southern New Hampshire on September 27, 2012. It’s leaf-peeping season, a gorgeous time to be in New England. Or if you prefer, we can schedule this workshop in your area, too!
For more information and to register, click here.