Building Connection Means Building New Possibilities

Nature has an intelligence we would be wise to pay attention to. As October arrives, we watch the plants slow down, connecting with their environment to prepare for the colder months. Though they may appear dormant, they are quietly preparing for new growth and opportunities. This cycle, one that nature handles with ease and determination,…

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How a tiny idea from a small dog evolved to have big impacts

Graceful Giving PeopleSense Consulting

It’s hard to believe that our annual Graceful Giving celebration has been happening for nearly ten years. While some things about this pro bono leadership development opportunity have changed, many important aspects have remained constant. It all started as a quirky birthday celebration for Grace, founder Robin Eichert’s adopted dog. Since Grace was rescued by…

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Change in 2023 May Be Easier than You Think

change in the new year

During a typical week my dog Zuzu and I go on morning walks, as has become our routine over the last two years since she came to live with us. Frankly, these walks often end up being as frustrating as they are enjoyable — both for her and me. I’ve always loved walking with a…

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Getting to Know Our Team—We Can’t Forget Robin!

Founder Robin Eichert

Time to hear from our fearless leader! Over the last few weeks, founder Robin Eichert had the chance to interview the amazing members of the PeopleSense team. But this week, they wanted to turn the tables and ask her some questions! Jeni, Sheryl, and Heather each came up with two questions of their own for…

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Awards Might Motivate But There Is a Better Way

PeopleSense Consulting - Everything DiSC Sapphire Award

Looking for ways to motivate your team? You’re not alone! This is one of the most frequently asked questions from managers. I wish there were an easy answer. Wouldn’t it be great if a particular prize would guarantee performance? Or just a little more money would create renewed energy towards excellence? Or perhaps a trip…

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How I love to love: Not just on Valentine’s Day

PeopleSense Consulting - Zuzu Valentine's Banner

I will admit that I use the word ‘love’ a lot. I get enthusiastic about things and I’m prone to find the positive in most situations. I write it frequently in emails and you’ll often see a red heart emoji in my text messages. So, while it rolls off the tongue very naturally, I try…

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Bad Communication = Toxic Workplace Culture

Cracking Ice like Toxic Workplace Culture

If you’ve got “bad” communication going on in your organization, it’s not just going to blow over. In fact, communication is one of the keys to a consistently healthy culture. When you replace it with trademarks like harshness, one-sidedness, or even intimidation, the result is a toxic workplace culture. In that kind of environment, it’s…

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Compassionate Leadership: Beyond the Obvious

Have you, as a leader, ever overlooked some key element because you were so focused on the problem at hand? Sometimes, talking about compassionate leadership means really listening to an underperforming employee, getting to the root of a “bad” hire, or trying something new with a team that’s totally out of sync. An unconventional approach…

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Popular managers must have ability to make unpopular decisions

I’m often advocating for mutual agreement on job-related responsibilities and decisions between a manager and an employee. Not today. There are just some times when you, as the manager, have to set the boundaries for what is needed, whether or not the employee agrees or not. Yes, I still believe leaders need to elicit feedback…

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