An easy, simple, and effective way to motivate employees

There is an easy, simple, and effective way to motivate employees. It works like a charm, and better yet, the real benefits are lasting and deep. Here’s the tip: Have employees do what they love and then encourage them to do it more. Maybe that sounds just too crazy. I imagine you reading this and thinking…

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Telling an employee to do something is not very motivating

Grace doesn’t like to get her feet wet. She will dip a toe into a shallow puddle if she’s thirsty, but I’ve never seen her immerse completely to go swimming, though she’s had plenty of opportunity. It’s a big deal when she steps into water. Unless there is a frog out there tempting her. That changes everything. A…

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Do you love where you work?

What do you love about the company you work for? I’m sure there is something you love about the company you work for. Hopefully there are lots of things. And that’s the way it should be. Creating workplaces of choice ought to be the job of every executive, manager, and human resources professional. That doesn’t…

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The best way to motivate your employees

Managers ask me all the time how to motivate employees, especially ones that are under-performing. And of course, there are a host of answers based on the unique situation. Money is the first method that managers think about, but it is definitely not the answer, and never the answer for long-term results. But there is…

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