
Things aren’t always as they seem

When you look quickly at this image on the right, what do you see? A prickly maned animal with round, inquisitive eyes? A petrified stone? Perhaps a tree carved by a beaver?

My husband and I were walking in the woods and came across this critter. I first thought I saw an animal, frozen in anticipation as he watched us approach. But as we neared, it didn’t move and I realized it was a beautiful tree stump created by natural elements, giving the appearance of a friendly animal with a walrus-like face. (That is NOT what my husband thinks it looks like.)

It proved a reminder that first impressions are not always as they seem and that we each see different things out of one. I imagine you can think of many situations in your organization where something is not as it first seems. Perhaps you hired someone who didn’t work out as you anticipated? Or someone on your team is struggling in their work? Learning more about them (or yourself!) has helped you create a more productive relationship and outcome.

For those of you who have worked with our state-of-the-art assessments, you know that we can learn more about a person and their unique work style, which helps us work more constructively together. We can uncover things that we didn’t know or might never have realized otherwise.

During this busy holiday season, I hope you take time to enjoy all around you. Take in your surroundings, appreciate your co-workers, friends, and family. Learn more about them — and you!

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