
Tips for Hiring Right

Ever regret a hiring decision you’ve made?

I’ve certainly been there and I imagine you have, too. It’s not easy to get it right every time you hire someone. There are lots of variables to consider. But with a thorough process, you can definitely improve your odds of making the best decision.

Last week, at the Solar Power International conference in Orlando, Florida, I was invited to participate on a panel to discuss hiring and job-fit. The concepts apply to many industries, so even if you’re not in the energy field, check out the video for a number of ideas and tips offered. Other panelists included Mark Kimble, Vice President of Finance & Operations, at Solar Electric Power Association, and Greg Vervais, Vice President of Human Resources for Canadian Solar. I was impressed by the quality of the questions asked by the audience, so don’t stop when you get to that part!

If you’re interested to improve your hiring decisions, let’s talk!

If you’re unable to see the video link here, you can view it on the RenewableEnergyWorld newsletter.

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