Eichert authored article in May 2013 issue of Business NH Magazine
Robin Eichert’s article entitled “Helping Employees, and Yourself, out of a Rut” was featured in the Human Resources Guide section of the May 2013 issue of Business NH Magazine. The magazine is a recognized source of business news and advice to executives in the state and offers a wide variety of information and support to businesses of all kinds.
PeopleSense Consulting will be exhibitor at NetImpact UNH Job Fair
Robin Eichert and Nancy Bishop will be participating at the Careers with Impact Job and Internship Fair being held on April 4, 2013 at the University of New Hampshire Campus Memorial Union Building. The career fair is being hosted by Net Impact UNH in partnership with NHBSR and the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics (formerly the Whittemore School of Business and Economics). The Fair is designed to connect New England area companies focused on triple bottom line principles with highly motivated and qualified prospective employees. Robin and Nancy will be available to job searchers to offer career search tips and guidance to those attending.
Robin Eichert is guest blogger on NHBusinessBlog
Robin Eichert is this week’s guest blogger on NHBusinessBlog; her post is entitled “Management lessons we can learn from a dog.” NHBusinessBlog gives advice to business owners on writing marketing content that engages customers and creating a company culture that engages employees. Be sure to check out the blog for on-going tips!
You can read Robin’s post here.
Finding and Following Your Passions
Robin Eichert and Nancy Bishop will be the featured presenters on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, to the “WE group, Women Empowered” in work and life, at the River Center. The presentation is entitled “Finding and Following Your Passions.” This is a group for women over 40 to share resources and support regarding employment and other life challenges. The WE group is a free support group that meets once a month at the River Center, in Peterborough, NH. The meeting will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. For more information and to register, click on the link below.
Career Planning Webinar
Robin Eichert and Nancy Bishop are hosting a FREE webinar entitled “Find the Work You Love” that will be held on February, 21, 2013. All are welcome. For more information and to register, click on the link below.
Thursday, February 21, 2013, 8:00 – 8:45 p.m. ET
Robin Eichert will be a presenter at the IAAP Tri-Chapter Workshop held on February 2, 2013 in Portland, Maine
Eichert’s presentation is entitled “”Graceful Leadership: Building Respectful Relationships.” The event is hosted by the Bangor Chapter, Portland Chapter, and Profile Chapter of the International Association of the Administrative Professionals. The workshop is open to members and non-members. More information can be found at.
Career Coaching Partnership Announcement
Nancy Bishop and Robin Eichert announce a partnership to provide career coaching services using the Pathway Planner assessment. Robin and Nancy have worked collaboratively over the last decade on a number of initiatives and enjoy the same deep passion for helping individuals do their best work.
Developing Leadership for Sustainability.
Robin Eichert hosts a presentation for the New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility webinar series held on November 14, 2012. The topic was “Developing Leadership for Sustainability.”