PXT Select™ Overview
I love working with the PXT SelectTM Assessment. Part of it is the feedback I get when people say to me, “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe how this nailed me so accurately!”
That is great to hear, but the value of the assessment is really how versatile it is. It can be used for everything from selection, promotion, job fit, improving productivity, manager-employee relationships, team building and more.
In order for you to get the most out of the assessment, there are a couple of key points that I want to share with you here today in this video.
The Extremes
One very important point is about how the scores are determined.
Let’s look at the shape of this bell curve. When we see scores that fall far left or far right, those are very pronounced. You see the percentage indicated where only 2.5% of the population are going to score in this really extreme area. That means the trait will come out more frequently, will be stronger and be more important to the individual.
It does not mean that it is good or bad, or that one side is more preferable than another. It just means there is less of the trait if it is on the left-hand side, or more of the trait if it’s on the right-hand side.
In the Middle
If your score is falling in the middle, it simply means you are pulling from both ends of the scale and can more easily flex up and down when needed.
Again, neither is right or wrong; and we are not trying to change somebody to have their scores be further left or further right.
What we want you to do is understand where your natural comfort zone is, tap into that strength as much as you can, but recognize there may be opportunities for you to shift slightly in order to affect a different outcome.
For example, let’s say you score very high on the judgement scale. That means you are going to be great at looking at the facts and the data and finding the logic in the situation.
However, there might be some opportunities for you to pull in some intuitive thinking that will help enhance the outcomes of the situation that you are in.
Likewise, if you score on the left-hand side of judgement and you find yourself getting caught up in the emotions of a situation, recognize that you could benefit by pulling in some facts and data to balance that.
We Are Who We Are
I often hear comments from individuals who tell me that they answered the assessment questions as if they are in a work-place setting versus a personal home setting and they feel like they are different in those environments.
Sure, there are nuances to how we behave in different situations, whether we are with family or our colleagues. However, at our core, we are who we are whether we are sitting in our living room chair or our office chair. Keeping in mind we established earlier there is no right or wrong, good or bad in these scores.
So, the important point to know is your general approach to some of these areas – like how decisive you are, what pace you work at the best, how accommodating are you – and recognize when you are tapping into that strength in the appropriate situation, or when it might be beneficial to shift or compromise a little based on the job task or the individual you are interacting with.
When we have that awareness, we can use the tool to its fullest and all of its applications for the best outcomes for you and the situation.