Here’s What We Know About People and Sales

Sales Teams

Over the last few months, several clients have shared about challenges with their sales teams. Even though our expertise isn’t in sales processes, we are experts in people! And because sales is all about people – both sellers and buyers – we can help! We’re able to identify patterns that plague sales teams and create…

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Webinar Invite: Build Your Sales Team with Clarity

Sales Success

What does it take to build a successful sales team? And how do you help your people unleash their full talents, their creativity? The truth is you won’t be able to until you help them gain inner clarity about their personal sales style and the goals they want to reach for. Having clarity is what…

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Recruitment and selection: Improving the candidate experience

Recruitment and selection

For most hiring managers, the recruitment and selection process is overwhelming. This is especially true right now when the job market is tight and finding people for your team (nevermind the right ones!) can seem like a tall order. It takes precious time to advertise, coordinate, interview, offer, and onboard, which can make hiring managers…

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Tips for Hiring Right

Ever regret a hiring decision you’ve made? I’ve certainly been there and I imagine you have, too. It’s not easy to get it right every time you hire someone. There are lots of variables to consider. But with a thorough process, you can definitely improve your odds of making the best decision. Last week, at…

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Job applicants can shine even without experience

Solar industry looking for qualified candidates When you’re in charge of hiring, it’s quite common to seek someone who has already had success in the same type position. Proven success gives you confidence. But I’m here to say, don’t start or end your search with that criteria. Next week,  I’m headed to the Solar Power…

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“Finding the Perfect Fit” article published in Business NH Magazine

The May 2012 issue of Business NH Magazine features an article authored Robin Eichert, entitled “Finding the Perfect Fit.” It’s part of the 2012 Human Resources Guide where you’ll find a series of articles on a variety of helpful HR topics. Another very interesting article in this issue highlights the Leadership NH program, which celebrated…

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