Here’s What We Know About People and Sales

Sales Teams

Over the last few months, several clients have shared about challenges with their sales teams. Even though our expertise isn’t in sales processes, we are experts in people! And because sales is all about people – both sellers and buyers – we can help! We’re able to identify patterns that plague sales teams and create…

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Webinar Invite: Build Your Sales Team with Clarity

Sales Success

What does it take to build a successful sales team? And how do you help your people unleash their full talents, their creativity? The truth is you won’t be able to until you help them gain inner clarity about their personal sales style and the goals they want to reach for. Having clarity is what…

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Unwrapping Joy: Holiday Wisdom from Rudolph and Friends

Unwrapping Holiday Wisdom - PeopleSense Consulting

Every kid (at every age) knows Santa wouldn’t be able to deliver all his goodies without the help of his nine reindeer. Of course, the story of Rudolph with his shining nose, reminds us that each individual, whether two or four-legged, offers opportunities to learn and appreciate each other. A Classic Tale Many shunned Rudolph…

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The Truth about Why Teaming Up Isn’t Always Natural or Easy

Teaming Up with The Five Behaviors

Want to know what makes companies 5 times as likely to be high performing? Collaboration. According to studies, collaborative work is a core trait of successful, modern workplaces. It’s essential for the best outcomes because when we pool our ideas, challenges, and solutions with others, we enrich the end result. Collaborative work environments have also…

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Change in 2023 May Be Easier than You Think

change in the new year

During a typical week my dog Zuzu and I go on morning walks, as has become our routine over the last two years since she came to live with us. Frankly, these walks often end up being as frustrating as they are enjoyable — both for her and me. I’ve always loved walking with a…

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Time to Welcome and Celebrate Our Team’s New Talent

It’s an exciting time at PeopleSense Consulting. We’re thrilled to be expanding our team and welcoming Heather Moreau, SHRM-CP, RP, AIC, who brings with her not only a strong background in law and human resources, but also a deep commitment to lifelong learning and creating positive work culture. So please join us in celebrating the…

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Finding the Good in Conflict

Finding the Good in Conflict

You don’t have to look very far these days to witness conflict. Topics in the news and in our local communities are evidence of many divisive concerns. Opinions range from one extreme to the other. The layers of tension have been building steadily, especially since COVID drastically changed so many of our normal routines. It’s…

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How to Keep Everything DiSC® Alive in Your Organization

Keeping Everything DiSC Dynamic

Ever been to an awesome training that’s so inspiring and educational you leave super excited to put new skills into place? Then WHAM! You sit down at your computer and the normal deluge of emails, projects, and problems suddenly become the priority. All that you learned is sitting in your head, but you can’t find…

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Virtual Team Training: It Works!

Virtual Team Training PeopleSense Consulting

We all appreciate that in-person interactions can be stronger than those we have in virtual settings. It’s not just that body language is easier to read, but we aren’t dealing with technology issues, bad lighting, or audio glitches. So any managers wanting only the best results might wonder if virtual team training sessions are worth…

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