Falling into new routines with grace

The vibrant orange colors of this tree captured my attention on the walk my husband and I took a few days ago. Finding new routines, especially variations of existing ones, is one of the lessons Grace and the autumn season offer us this year.
Living without Grace the last few months has had many hollow moments. There’s an emptiness without her presence and I really miss the patterns that we had grown accustomed to and enjoyed. But she and I always savored lots of things about the fall season and because of those memories, I am falling into new routines that nourish me despite how much I miss her.
Embracing new routines
In our workplaces, we face the same challenge. No doubt each of us encounters situations that make us sad, annoyed, or frustrated. But dwelling on those wastes time and talents that can be better spent, not to mention make us happier.
Grace and I loved autumn walks. She would dash through the layers of fallen leaves, making them splash all around her as she spun in circles, the crispy sounds of leaves dancing higher with each spin. The crispness of the fresh air is invigorating and we enjoyed longer walks than we could on hot, humid summer days.
The colors blaze their presence. Trees that may have gone unnoticed before cannot be passed now without admiration and awe. Even though the leaves are technically dying, they appear fresh, revived, and beautiful.
To me, autumn is a natural time of renewal, even more so than the turn of a new calendar year. And so it is especially true this autumn, without Grace, I am finding renewed vitality in my work and life, falling into new routines. My new colleague, Jeni Callihan, has hit the ground running, facilitating several workshops that are helping teams and leaders learn more about their emotional intelligence.
Graceful Giving 2019 is offering a free workshop to a well-deserving non-profit, Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention, and we’re excited to be working together with them.
My move to Pennsylvania has offered me opportunities to walk unfamiliar paths, literally and figuratively. I’m meeting new people, setting up new systems, and hiking in new woods. This has been a time of great change but also hope and prosperity.
Challenge yourself with renewal this fall
As you walk into your workplace today, challenge yourself and your teams to find a point of renewal. What can you change, refresh, or celebrate? What can you do so that you are falling into new routines? Encourage your staff to reflect on this as well. Is there something new that you or one of them has always wanted to do? Try it out! Support them as they venture out. It doesn’t matter how big or how small a step they take. Unleashing your potential requires movement rather than dwelling on what is gone.
Just like Grace, you can get your own mound of beautiful fallen leaves swirling in motion. Have fun! Enjoy life and your work in whatever ways nourish you.
Robin, I didn’t realize you were moving to Pennsylvania–I hope it holds wonderful things for you! I will miss the feeling of having you “close by” in NH even though we are only minimally acquainted; I enjoy your posts and you have provided me personal insight and inspiration that was sorely needed in my life, even when I didn’t know it. I am glad to see memories of Grace interspersed in your blogs and enjoy the references to her very much.
Thank you, Rhonda. It means more than you know to hear your words. Grace and NH were so special to me and I will treasure every bit of both forever. Pennsylvania has new offerings and I will return to NH at every opportunity I have so I can continue to enjoy both worlds! Perhaps our paths will cross in person and I would like that very much.
I would, too.
If you know of anyone in your neck of the woods that wants to build healthy workplace relationships, I’m always up for a road trip! 🙂 Much of my work is done via phone/video and I’m lucky to have clients across the country, so nothing is impossible. Where there is a will, there is a way!